"Super straight roll... Easy distance control...Easy to align... Excellent from 10' and in.” —Independent Golf Reviews

Revolutionary, patented round face design conforms to
USGA and R&A Rules of Golf for tournament play.


Bobby Locke famously said, "You drive for show, you putt for dough."

Golfers worldwide are reminded of this day after day, round after round, hole after hole...

...putt, after putt, after missed putt.

You may just be playing a nine-hole muni with friends, but, in your head, your playing it like Augusta.

You hit a gorgeous approach shot that leaves you with a 20-footer, or from the rough, maybe the fairway, you're five and in... perhaps you get there but not quite, as you sit perched on the fringe... either way, here's where it all really matters.

The final moments that bring you to the flag are fierce and often unforgiving...

Will you make par or double bogey?

You mark, clean and place the ball...

Your aim, sure seems just right.

Your set up is cool...calm and deliberate.

Your mind is focused and you're ready.

Tick tock, tick tock, stroke.

Ooops, you did it again...

Is it you?

NO, It's your putter!

Let's learn why:


Slick advertisements from top putter manufacturers want you to believe advancements in putter design are racing forward at breakneck speed. That's how they sell you a new putter every year or two. The truth is quite different.

In fact, not much has changed in putters since Old Tom Morris carried his hickory flat stick around St. Andrews in the 1840s.

The shapes and materials have evolved. But putting remains what it always has been: Use a FLAT SURFACE to strike a ROUND OBJECT toward the hole.

Therein lies the problem.


The flat face on your putter head is a fatal flaw, the #1 reason putting for golfers at every level is frustrating, inaccurate and totally unpredictable. Ask any Pro who missed a putt last year, or the year before...

You see, unless the sweet spot of your flat face putter strikes a round golf ball dead-on PERFECT...

At the absolute correct launch angle to the nearest DEGREE...

You will create BACKSPIN the mortal enemy of true roll and accurate putting.

That's why tour Pros spend hundreds of hours on the practice green with putters of every imaginable shape and size, every length and weight, in a desperate quest for a reliable, repeatable stroke that delivers immediate true roll without backspin. (Reminding you, all flat faced).

If only they knew the principle of CenterStrike® Technology...

A ball striking a ball of equal size eliminates backspin and delivers immediate true roll.

As shown in the Newton's Cradle demonstration and the inspiration behind the revolutionary round face putter engineered to chop 5, 10 or MORE strokes off your putting game.

Newton's Cradle is the essence of CenterStrike Technology and the inspiration behind the CenterG putter.

Say hello to CenterG.

The most accurate and forgiving putter in golf! The round face CenterG sure doesn't look like any putter you have ever seen.

In just 10 MINUTES in your living room, or on a practice green, you'll master the simple technique that will have you scoring lower than your entire foursome.

What's more, when you pull the CenterG out of the bag, it won't FEEL like any putter you ever held in your hands. (More about that in a minute).

But listen to this:

PUTTERZONE tried the round face putter and concluded it

"Delivers a clean, tight topspin that is a joy to behold" with "unusual stability on off-center strikes."

After playing a few rounds, the putting guru at INDEPENDENT GOLF REVIEWS called it

"the straightest putter I have ever used... It seemed very difficult to do anything other than hit it straight on my line...I simply drained everything!

When a noted golf equipment physicist at an independent laboratory subjected the round face putter to a grueling series of tests, it was shown to be MORE PRECISE AND MORE CONSISTENT THAN THE LEADING PUTTER ON TOUR!

The final lab report is filled with lengthy physics equations and sciency terms like "energy transfer," "moment of inertia" and "dwell time." But the report's plain and simple conclusion says it all:

"What is unique about this design is that an effective loft of approximately zero, combined with a head-on collision as in Newton's Cradle, maintain a consistency... zero initial spin thus a more accurate shot."

How BACKSPIN will spin your putting game out of control.


Before we dive into the stroke-saving features built into the CenterG's round face design, let's talk for a minute about backspin which, as we said earlier, is the mortal enemy of true roll and accurate putting.

With a traditional flat face putter, backspin happens at the very beginning of the ball's path toward the hole, soon after the putter's flat face strikes the ball. Backspin causes the golf ball to quickly and unpredictably lose speed and veer offline in the first few feet of the putt, before it transitions into the desired roll.

Unfortunately, by then it's too late. The ball is off line and not coming back. Or it has been slowed so much by backspin that the chance of it reaching the hole is zero.

Of course, it's not totally impossible to get a quick, predictable true roll with a conventional flat face putter. All you have to do is make sure the putter 'sweet spot' strikes the ball at the IDEAL LAUNCH ANGLE. Research by a renowned golf biomechanist (yes, it's a thing) determined that the ideal launch angle with a flat face putter is between .75 and 1.25 DEGREES.

If your launch angle is even one degree off (for example, if you strike the ball ever-so-slightly on the upswing) the flat face strikes BELOW the equator of the ball. The ball goes airborne, with backspin, and hops this way and that before settling into a true roll.

This happens a lot with amateurs who move the ball forward in their stance to achieve overspin. Not only does the adjustment place the eyes in the wrong position, it can create additional backspin.

The result: Putt missed, even if you are perfectly aligned.

Conversely, if your hands get ahead of the face and you hit ever-so-slightly DOWN on the ball with a flat face putter, the grass will pop the ball up creating (you guessed it!) backspin, random hops and lost speed before finally settling into a true roll.

The result: Putt missed, even if you found the sweet spot.

Once a golf ball achieves true roll, very little is likely to send it off line. Unfortunately, by that time, unless you have struck the ball dead-on perfect with your flat face putter, the line it's on doesn't have much in common with the line you intended.

If your putting stroke is already so grooved, so repeatable, so precise that you are able to eliminate backspin by consistently striking the ball with the sweet spot at a launch angle between .75 and 1.25 degrees...


You can stop reading now and forget you every heard about the CenterG.

As for the rest of you, keep reading to learn why...

You may mis-hit the Center-G but you'll never know it

Right away, everyone notices the patented face of the CenterG putter. It’s hard to ignore! Nothing like it has ever been seen in golf. What you may not notice at first glance is the diameter of its unique face is the exact diameter of a regulation golf ball because, as you’ll remember…

A ball striking a ball of equal size eliminates backspin and delivers immediate true roll.

When the CenterG’s base glides across the top of the grass, the equator, or sweet spot, strikes the equator of the ball EVERY TIME just like the spheres in Newton’s Cradle.

Because the face of the club is a sphere, even if you hit down on the ball the equator of the putter strikes the equator of the ball.

Same thing if you get wristy and hit up on the ball. With a flat face putter the bottom edge of the putter reaches under the ball causing it to hop, skip and jump off line.

Good luck getting the face of the CenterG under the ball—YOU CAN'T!

To make perfect putts even easier, the CenterG sweet spot extends tip to toe.

Thanks to balanced weighting behind the unique face, the sweet spot extends almost all the way across the putter face. That leaves a lot of room for human error!

With the CenterG putter in your hands, you can hit a few degrees up on the ball or a few degrees down, you can strike the ball toward the toe or toward the heel. IT DOESN’T MATTER! The two spheres connect equator to equator for a true roll without backspin.

That’s why the CenterG from CenterStrike Golf is being hailed as the most ACCURATE, most FORGIVING putter in golf, the one club that can slash 5, maybe 10 or MORE strokes off your score the first time you use it.


"To lower your golf score, focus first on putting."

That’s what every teaching pro tells middle- to high-handicappers seeking a fast path to a lower score. On the green is where weekend golfers THROW AWAY strokes left and right.

Deep down, you know it’s true. We all do. After all, the concept of PAR is based on 50% of the strokes in the game being PUTTS.

But ask yourself…


Heck no! Why? Because, it’s BORING to practice putting.

Look, most of us play the great game of golf for FUN, not for a living.

So is it more fun to launch a high drive at the range and watch it soar farther than any ball you ever hit… Or spend the afternoon on putting drills with names like ‘hit between the tees’ and ‘coin on the putterhead’?

Do you get a bigger rush from using a 7-iron to smash the bullseye on a target 150 yards away… Or from putting golf balls one after another in an ‘around the world’ drill that leaves you dizzy?

Tour pros devote hours every day to boring putting drills. They have to. It’s their job. For the rest of us, it’s a few quick putts before a round to ‘see how they’re rolling.’ Then off to the first tee.

If those quick pre-round putts are with the CenterG putter, don’t worry. We have you covered...


‘Playing it safe’ from the fringe has never been so SAFE!

Now take a look BEHIND the patented CenterG face where you’ll find the continuous arc putter bed.

When on the fringe, tour pros almost always choose a wedge over the putter. Again, that’s because pros spend endless hours grooving the perfect fringe shot, one that places the wedge blade under the ball without allowing a single blade of grass to come between the blade and ball. That’s the only way to get the ball to land with predictable backspin and check up close to the pin.

‘Up-and-in’ is beautiful to behold and, for most amateurs, a nightmare to replicate.

So most of us play it safe from the fringe. We pull an old-school flat face putter out of the bag…

The longer grass on the fringe grabs the putter’s bottom edge…

In the blink of an eye your smooth forward stroke decelerates, grass catches between the putter face and ball, and you barely get halfway home.

“AARRGGHH!” So much for playing it safe.

The CenterG putter has no sharp bottom edge for grass to grab. And even on the most ill-maintained public links, the fringe grass won’t be long enough to interfere with clean equator-to-equator contact between putter and ball.

Up-and-in with a wedge is a crapshoot for weekend warriors.

Sole. Press. Sweep...  is how you win the hole from the fringe with the CenterG’s patented design.

"As simple as it is revolutionary"

- Hank Gola, New York Daily News

‘Sole, Press, Sweep’ your way to a lower golf score!

Your putting routine and setup may require one tweak to get the most out of the CenterG, but nothing that can’t be accomplished with just 10 MINUTES on the carpet at home or on a practice green.

To begin your putting routine with the CenterG, first SOLE the club. The first thing you’ll notice is that the CenterG is designed to sit comfortably on the ground and the shaft angle will automatically place your eyes in the perfect position over the ball. In other words…

‘You align the CenterG and the CenterG aligns you.

(It’s a beautiful relationship).

In addition, the shaft enters the middle of the head, providing a full unobstructed view of the putter head topline and face. This makes it very easy to focus on squaring the face angle to the target line. The bright markers on top of the leading edge and the lines sweeping toward the back are the exact width of the golf ball, further aiding easy, natural alignment.

Once the CenterG is set on the line, we recommend a slight forward PRESS one or two inches at the most.

Then SWEEP the ball toward the hole. A simple pendulum motion with your shoulders will keep the putter head low and assure a pure equator-to-equator strike that delivers immediate true roll without backspin.

After just 10 minutes you’ll see how the CenterG takes all the guesswork out of stance, setup, alignment and stroke. There’s no waggling. No fidgeting. No fussing over the ball.

Whether it’s a crazy sidehill 30-footer or a three-foot knee-knocker, you’ll step up to the ball with TOTAL CONFIDENCE, pull the trigger and watch the ball start on line and stay on line toward the center of the hole.

"The easy alignment, the proper eye position and the round face just put a smooth forward roll on the ball... stroke after stroke."
-Independent Golf Reviews

Looking for more proof that CenterG creates immediate true roll? Here it is.


Quintic Ball Roll® isn’t exactly a household name except in the homes of professional putting coaches and golf club engineers. They recognize Quintic as the undisputed gold standard for measuring how golf balls behave when struck by a putter.

Quintic uses high-speed cameras shooting 360-1080 frames per second to track the putter and golf ball throughout the impact zone. The system measures speed, spin, launch and over 40 additional parameters as the ball leaves the putter face.

While developing and perfecting the CenterG’s unique face design, we put prototypes through rigorous Quintic testing to confirm once and for all what the laws of physics predicted for our round face putter

A ball striking a ball of equal size eliminates backspin and delivers immediate true roll.

No backspin to slam the brakes on the ball and mess up your distance control.

No backspin to disrupt the intended path.

Just ‘Sole, Press and Sweep’ the CenterG putter for an immediate true roll and a lower golf score the first time you take it out!

"Improve initial roll."

- Golf Digest

Did you know pros sink less than 40% of their 10-foot putts?

Just slightly more than one out of three!

Considering pros have world class eye-hand coordination, spend hundreds of hours grooving their putting strokes AND play on meticulously manicured greens as smooth as glass — that’s INSANE!

This proves the main reason putting is so frustrating and inaccurate isn’t an unreliable stroke or bumpy green. It’s your flat face PUTTER and the way it creates backspin!

So we weren’t surprised when one amateur took our revolutionary round face putter out for a few rounds and all he wanted to talk about at the 19th hole was the day he had with his 10-footers:

“I had my best putting from 10' and in I've ever had…. It is unconventional, but it simply drains putts inside of 10 feet with ease.”

Those aren’t words you’re likely to hear from a pro who is sinking just one out of three!

At first you won’t believe the results. So drop a few more. Sole, press and sweep again. And again.

After just 10 MINUTES with the CenterG in your hands you'll be sinking MORE than 40% of your 10-footers ... MORE than the pros sink ... MORE than you have ever sunk in your entire golfing life ... seriously.

Once you carry the CenterG in your bag you won't let this beautiful moneymaker out of your sight!


Top to bottom, heel to toe, every detail is engineered for accuracy.
Par for par the most forgiving putter on the course today!


Patented round face ensures equator-to-equator contact.


Custom SurfaceScore™ works in tandem with the round face to create immediate overspin.


Balanced inner weights extend behind the face to extends the sweet spot across the head.


Patented continuous arc putter bed glides over the grass for perfect shots from the fringe.


Easy-to-read guide lines are the width of the golf ball for easy alignment.


Putter head weight modules (380-440g) allow for a more personalized putting experience.


Single bend shaft sets you up over the ball, your eyes perfectly positioned. Satin black finish eliminates distractions.


ArgyleComfort™ grip is a bit "fatter" than standard grips to reduce wrist break and promote pendulum swing.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Not unless 10 minutes is a ‘long time.’ If you think about the history of golf’s game-changing innovations — from mallet putters to graphite shafts, cavity-back irons to oversize drivers — they all felt and looked odd at first. But it’s amazing how quickly golfers accept radical innovations that immediately improve their scores!

We found it takes the average golfer just 10 minutes with the CenterG at home or on a practice green to feel comfortable with the design and recommended ‘Sole, Press and Sweep’ routine.

The simple answer — money. Getting ‘into the bag’ or ‘on the shirt’ of a pro golfer takes cash and lots of it. Virtually every golfer on the PGA Pro Tour earns more money from endorsements than from winnings. Even Rory McIlroy, who in 2020 earned $22 million purse money, earned millions more from endorsements.

CenterStrike Golf is a young company without the deep pockets of Odyssey, Taylor Made and Scotty Cameron. We know of one story in which a big-name pro demanded $150,000 to try out a new style putter in just one tournament. We don’t have that kind of money to throw around.

But we can tell you this: club pros and teaching professionals have all played our putter and are amazed at the CenterG’s accuracy and forgiveness. Said one,“It’s like cheating!” That’s why we believe, one day soon, round face putters will be as common on the PGA Tour as traditional flat face putters.

They’re probably DYING to! As word spreads about the accuracy and forgiveness of CenterStrike Golf’s revolutionary design, we suspect the big boys are itching to develop their own versions of the CenterG.

Well, forget it, Odyssey.

Take a hike, Taylor Made.

Sorry, Scotty —YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED BY LAW to copy the CenterG. It's only available, exclusively at centerstrikegolf.com.

That’s because we PATENTED our face design. We did all the hard work of studying the science, developing prototypes, testing them, making adjustments and testing them again to perfect the design, weight and balance. We presented our designs to the USGA and R&A to show the CenterG conforms to the Rules of Golf. And they agreed.

The unique face design is ours and ours alone. Now we've launched CenterStrike Golf to bring the revolutionary CenterG putter direct to you. Order the science-backed CenterG today to chop 5, 10 or MORE strokes off your putting game with golf’s most ACCURATE, most FORGIVING putter.

In a nutshell, the CenterG-SB is a solid body version of the G1. Same shape, same science. However, the SB (solid body) allows the golfer to refine their personal putting experience by choosing the outer core material and dialing-in the core balanced weight. Both systems allow for a bespoke feel like no other club available.

Essentially, the inner structure allows you to build the putter as you wish. And, while a few tested materials are presently available, our commitment to R&D will surely present more in the future.

Firstly, a no loft putter, as the name suggests, has zero degrees of loft. Traditional putters have a small amount of loft, typically around 2-4 degrees, which can cause the ball to have a slight upward trajectory when struck. However, with a no loft putter, the ball is struck directly on the face, resulting in a ball that rolls end over end with no initial lift.

One of the main benefits of a no loft putter is that it can help golfers achieve a more consistent and accurate putting stroke. Since there is no upward trajectory when the ball is struck, the golfer has more control over the initial direction and speed of the ball, resulting in a more accurate putt. Additionally, the lack of loft means that the ball is less likely to skid or bounce off the putter face, which can also contribute to more consistent putts.

Another benefit of a no loft putter is that it can be particularly effective on faster greens. Since the ball is rolling end over end with no initial lift, it is less likely to be affected by the grain of the grass or other factors that can cause the ball to deviate from its intended path.

Overall, a no loft putter can be a great option for golfers who are looking to improve their putting consistency and accuracy. It may take some time to adjust to the different feel of a no loft putter, but many golfers find that it ultimately helps them make more putts and lower their scores.

You get to the green. We'll take it from there.®



The CenterG will be released in limited supply.

The new face in golf.™